Join the Perth Fitness Camps UNSTOPPABLE 28 Day Group Coaching Programme for over 30's men & women and discover how our clients are getting back in shape, improving their health, have more energy and feel more confident about themselves without turning their lives upside down to do it in just 4 weeks.
The main purpose of UNSTOPPABLE is to educate and empower you to have more control over your diet, training routine and reignite your zest for life.
With this newfound knowledge and power you can finally create a sustainable forever lifestyle change.
Are you an over 30's man or woman from Perth?
Willing to invest in yourself?
Fed up with fad diets, gimmicks and detoxes?
Want to look and feel amazing?
Can you workout outdoors 2 - 3 x per week?
(Training days are: Monday & Wednesday 6:15am - 7am / 6:30pm - 7:15pm and Saturdays 7:30am - 8:30am) - you choose which days and times to attend
Prepared to train in all weathers?
Huge desire to lose body fat?
Willing to put in the work required to achieve your goals?
Want to be fitter, leaner, healthier & more confident?
Did you say YES to some or all of the above?
If so UNSTOPPABLE could be perfect for you.
If you feel that you meet the criteria and are serious about transforming your health, fitness & lifestyle
click the button below and complete the short application form and i'll get back to you with the details once I review it
Here's to your success
Jason Brownlie
Dad, Husband, Coach & Former Overweight Guy

