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*YOU* version 2.0

So, I woke up yesterday morning (as you do) and noticed that my iPhone had an update pending.

I clicked "update" and pow - just like that the updated software was installed.

I then checked my laptop and noticed that it too had an update waiting as well.

So of course, I updated that as well and now my phone and laptop are both running the newest software.

Now bugs have been fixed, they operate faster, and they're even more safe from viruses.

Installing updates, that's just what we do to keep our computers and phones running at their best.

We'd be crazy to not do these updates, right?

Otherwise our phones and computers won't run as smoothly as they should.

Yet most people tend to avoid these personal updates that come up in life and they put themselves (health, mindset, finances, relationships) at risk.

When it comes to our health and fitness, we get these same software and operating system update opportunities all the time, only they come in the form of challenges, adversities, and problems.

If we choose to "install and update" then we become a better version of ourselves.

When you choose to upgrade your life, you become *YOU version 2.0*

Each time you make the conscious choice to deal with adversities, challenges and problems head on you become a better version of yourself.

You become more resilient, emotionally stronger, wiser with experience and more self-aware.

Most of society however will choose to not update their personal software and operating system.

They'll choose to avoid and ignore their challenge and problems hoping they just go away.

(NEWSFLASH, that’s not how it works.)

The majority of people will avoid the hard work, the tough talks, the early wake up times, the workout sessions, the clean eating, and the investment of time in their relationships and personal growth.

Some people choose to not be like the majority and will always continue to make the excuses and lay the blame elsewhere.

and if you are completely happy with your life and health right now then *high five*

you must be doing something right

if not then....

Become YOU 2.0

Chose to "update" every opportunity you get.

That's the difference between someone who grows in life and is in control of their outcome versus someone who simply ages and is often a victim of circumstance.

MAKE life happen, don’t LET life happen.

If you think this post may benefit others, feel free to share and spread the word.

Chat soon

Jason 'update complete' Brownlie

Coach @ The Perth Fitness Camp

PS. If you're an over 30's man or woman from the Perth area who is looking to get back in shape, improve your health, have more energy and feel more confident about yourself then my UNSTOPPABLE 28 Day Coaching Programme could be perfect for you.

PPS. Not quite ready to commit to a coaching programme?

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